Services and information
Hackney schools information
Find information about schools and related services in the London Borough of Hackney, including pupil benefits, attendance, holidays in term time, and the re-engagement service
Admissions, transfers and appeals
How to apply for a primary or secondary school place, change school mid-year or appeal against refusal of a school place
Childcare, family support and children's centres
Hackney's early years services and children's centres offer a range of support and activities for children and their families
Sixth forms, colleges, training and careers
Information about education and training for young people aged 14-19 years
Special educational needs and disabilities
Visit the Hackney Local Offer site for services available to children and young people aged 0-25
Adult and family learning
Find out about courses available for adult learners aged 19+ including English, maths, computing, vocational training and family learning
Traded services for schools
Schools and teachers can find a wide range of free and paid for educational products, services and resources on our Services for Schools site, including business support, CPD and school improvement
About us
We are Hackney Council's education department. Our mission is to improve the life chances of every child, young person and learner in Hackney