Apply for travel assistance

Support with travel from home to school, college or apprenticeship


If you are 16 to 18 years old on 1 September (up to age 25 for pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan or disabilities), you may qualify for travel support if you live in Hackney, and:

  • attend a full-time course (12 hours or more a week) in Hackney;
  • attend a full-time course (12 hours or more a week) outside Hackney because your course is not available in Hackney;
  • attend a full-time course (12 hours or more a week) outside Hackney because of educational, curricular, religious, or social reasons and you live three miles or more from the school; or
  • have significant special educational needs or disability.

To qualify either you, or if you still live at home, your parents or carers must be claiming one of the following:

Other support with travel costs

For information relating to discounts and concessions you can go to the Transport for London (TLF) website and National Rail

Student finance for Higher Education

If you are a higher education student living in Hackney, any application for student finance will be entirely dealt with by Student Finance, England


Pupil Benefits

020 8820 7000
This page was last modified on: 4 Mar 2025