Hackney schools

Also in this section

School Estate Strategy

The council has been working with schools under pressure due to a decline in pupil numbers

Pupil benefits

Apply for free school meals, clothing grant and help with travel costs

Child protection

What to do if you are concerned about a child's welfare, but remember you must always phone 999 in an emergency

Hackney 10x10 Programme

The Hackney 10x10 Programme is a new initiative to support every child in Hackney to achieve 10 amazing activities by the time they are 10 years old

Primary schools potential changes

Hackney Council is considering consulting on closing or merging six primary schools, as a direct result of the significant decrease in pupil numbers which has caused some schools to face serious and irreversible financial pressure

School and setting closures

Find out if schools are closed, for example because of weather conditions


Public consultations relating to Hackney schools and settings

Response to Child Q

Hackney Education response to issues raised by the Child Q incident and action being taken by the Council and schools

Holiday activities and food programme

We are looking forward to the Summer edition of HAF set over the July and August school holidays

Part-time or reduced timetables

Information about part-time timetables and the notification process that schools should follow

Complaints procedure

Who to contact and what to do if you have a complaint about a school in Hackney

Supervised medication

Pupils who need to take their medicines in school must have written permission and instructions from their parent, guardian and/or GP

Children in care

Local authorities have a duty to promote the educational achievement of children in care


Every child is entitled to an education. Find out what the law says about school attendance and authorised or unauthorised absences

Holidays in term time

You can only take your child out of school during term time if you apply to the head teacher in advance and there are exceptional circumstances

Pupil records

A pupil's educational record includes their academic achievements, other skills and abilities, pupil reports, and communications from teachers or other LEA employees

Traveller Education Service

The service works with Gypsy Roma and Traveller children and young people


Information about fixed term and permanent exclusions

Re-engagement Unit

This service provides support for children whose behaviour means they are having difficulty engaging with learning

Elective home education

Find out more about educating your child at home

Medical Needs Tuition Service

The Medical Needs Tuition Service provides one-to-one tuition to pupils in their home while they are unable to attend school

Child employment

Employers have a responsibility to ensure that children are registered with the Local Authority and have a work permit

Educational visits

Information about the educational visits available for pupils in Hackney