Closure details - schools and other settings

Last updated

Schools and settings in Hackney have their own arrangements to contact parents and carers if they need to close, for example due to severe weather conditions. You should check school and setting websites directly for up to date information.

The schools/settings listed below have informed us that they are closed.

Filter list

Setting name Closure summary Telephone Email
Baden Powell Primary School

This school closed on 31 August 2024. Find out more.

Colvestone Primary School

This school closed on 31 August 2024. Find out more.

Comet Nursery School and Children's Centre

Comet Children's Centre is closed until further notice for building work. Please go to Comet at Thomas Fairchild for all activities.

020 7749 9850
De Beauvoir Primary School

This school closed on 31 August 2024. Find out more.

Randal Cremer Primary School

This school closed on 31 August 2024. Find out more.
