Supervised medication

Taking medicines at school

Pupils can take their own medicines if they have written permission and instructions from their parent, guardian or GP.

What parents must do

If you have a child that needs to take medicines at school, you must:

  • describe the medicines your child is taking;
  • say when your child must take the medicines;
  • say how often your child must take the medicine;
  • say what dosage your child must take;
  • hand over the medicines to the proper person to store and give to your child; and
  • clearly label the medication with your child's name and dosage instructions.

Recording dosage information

Schools must:

  • always keep a record of the dosages they give the child; and
  • regularly review the medicine administration process.

If you consider that your child is capable and responsible, then they should look after their own inhaler. Otherwise it should be kept safely and the child should have immediate access to it.

Further assistance

If you need any further assistance please contact:

  • your child’s school; or
  • David Pullen - Health and Safety Advisor (Education) on 020 8356 2278


Alex Ruddiman, Corporate Health Safety & Wellbeing Manager

020 8356 2278
This page was last modified on: 13 Nov 2024