About the Medical Needs Tuition Service
The Medical Needs Tuition Service (MNTS) provides tuition for children with medical needs, including mental health, who are unable to attend school for 15 days consecutively (in a row) or cumulatively (when added together) in a school year.
The service is for children or young people aged 4 to 16 who live in Hackney. They do not have to go to school in Hackney
Please note, the service is not for children and young people where a family chooses to educate at home and not in school. These families should get in touch with the Elective Home Education Service for further advice.
What the service does
The MNTS provides tuition for children, education both online and in public spaces such as libraries, hospitals, schools, and in some cases working at the child's home. They also provide social opportunities for children they support, and support reintegration back into school, or a specialist setting, at the end of the period of tuition.
The service works in partnership with:
- Parents
- Children and young people
- CAMHS and health services
- SEND professionals
- Hackney Children’s Social Care
- Schools
Referring a child to the service
Referrals are made by the child's school using the MNTS online referral form for schools.
The criteria for the provision of tuition due to medical needs are:
- the pupil is a resident of the London borough of Hackney (they may attend a school outside of Hackney)
- the pupil is aged between 4 and 16
- the pupil is temporarily absent (or due to be absent) for at least 15 consecutive school days (in a row) or absent (or due to be absent) for at least 15 days over the course of the current academic year - due to medical reasons, including mental and physical ill-health
If you would like to discuss the needs of any individual child who cannot attend school due to physical or mental health needs, contact the team on mn.tuition@hackney.gov.uk.