Overview of the early years strategy and proposed changes to children's centres

Consultation report now available

Read the consultation and engagement report for more information about the consultation responses received.

Update about proposals

Proposals to close two children’s centres have been paused. 

Nearly 900 people responded to a Council consultation about its early years strategy. This included plans to close Hillside Children’s Centre and Fernbank Children’s Centre.

The Council has listened carefully to the concerns raised by parents and carers, and has decided to delay any closures until a wider review of borough-wide provision - including broader public engagement - can take place next year.

This means the centres will not close in September 2022. 

Staff and parents who use the centres are being contacted directly to inform them about the pause. 

Next steps

More details will be set out about the next steps in the coming months, including: 

  • Developing ‘early years hubs’ in the north and south of the borough for children with complex needs
  • Changing a number of children’s centres into new ‘children and family hubs’ that bring together family support for children of ages 0 to 19 years
  • Joining early years and health visiting teams to provide combined support and guidance for young children and their families


Consultations Team

020 8656 3000
This page was last modified on: 12 Jul 2024