Are you an ambitious leader that enjoys challenge and believes that children deserve the very best educational opportunities possible? Would you like to lead a fantastic team in a four times-outstanding school with excellent facilities that is looking to expand in the coming years? Are you able to lead people as well as systems? Then here is a unique opportunity to use and develop your expertise! Your business and commercial acumen will be valued as a full member of a highly successful Senior Leadership Team.
We are a secondary special school whose vision is ‘Achievement for all in a unique, world- class school’, and by ‘all’ we mean students and staff (including leaders). Due to relocation of the present postholder, we need a School Business Manager to play a key role in our continual improvement and future development. The current postholder had never previously felt as fully part of a senior leadership team as she has been here, and this level of teamworking has been essential to our success.