The law
'Children in care' are children the council has provided a place to stay for more than 24 hours. These children and young people are also called ‘looked after children’ (LAC).
Councils have parenting responsibilities for children in care and are responsible for educating them. School teachers play a key role in raising their attainment.
Children can only be taken into care if the court makes a legal order.
Advice and support for children in care
Monitoring and support
Teachers of children in care monitor and support their progress in school.
Extra support
Children in care can also get extra advice and support from the:
- ‘Looked After Children’ Education team on 020 8356 3610;
- post 16, through the Leaving Care team on 020 7249 1010; and
- Head of the Virtual School for Children in Care on 020 8820 7227.
Specialist advice
We also work with the child or young person's social worker and other agencies to give specialist advice on:
- attendance;
- vulnerable pupils; and
- special needs.
Education monitoring of looked after children
We send this form to schools with 'looked after children' in July or September every year. Schools must send it back in October for the teacher to complete.
How we use your information
The information is confidential, but we summarise it to provide data for government on education achievements and related areas.
Personal education plans
What is a personal education plan (PEP)?
A PEP is a record of a pupil's progress and achievements. It sets up goals and involves:
- The school
- The pupil
- The carer
- The social worker
Setting up the plan
Social workers set up PEPs and update them every 6 months.
Designated teachers for children in care
A designated teacher (DT) can be the Headteacher or a school senior manager.
Role and responsibilities
- Knowing: keeping a register, details on children's progress and meeting them regularly
- Championing: making sure the child has access to the curriculum, set challenging targets and participates in extra curricular activities
- Advocating: mediating with other teachers, liaising with other schools and social workers, and checking levels of support and intervention so the child can reach their potential
- Monitoring: attendance, exclusions, academic progress
- Celebrating: record and celebrate achievements
10 key points
The DT's responsibilities to children in care are to:
- have an overview of the progress of each child in care;
- be responsible for overseeing the personal education plan in the required time scales;
- understand the role of schools as corporate parents;
- have insight into the care experience for the child;
- challenge any negative attitudes towards them;
- uphold principles of high expectations and inclusion;
- arrange an induction meeting with all parties before school starts;
- involve the child in plans, targets, agreements etc;
- be available to listen to them;
- take action to support them in their education;
- take part in education placement, making sure this is as smooth as possible to reduce any breaks in studies;
- raise awareness of the needs of them with staff and other agencies;
- be able to transfer information properly between agencies;
- have good relationships with carers and social workers;
- provide updates within timescales set by law; and
- get on-going training and support.
Related documents and links
Hackney Council
Find out more about 'looked after children' on the London Borough of Hackney website
A charity working to improve the everyday lives and future life chances of young people who are unable to live with their birth families
Buttle UK
A Charity giving financial support to young people and families in desperate need, helping around 23,000 children and young people every year
Help at Hand
Help at Hand is a service for children and young people in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with children’s services