St Scholastica's Catholic Primary is a one form entry school for children aged 3 to 11 years old. As a Catholic school, it has a mission to educate children in the spirit of the Gospel of Christ. The Mission Statement is ‘Living, Loving and Learning through Christ.’
Although St Scholastica's is a Catholic community, you do not have to be a Catholic to attend the school. The school welcomes families of all faiths and none. It is committed to providing a safe environment where everyone is significant and respected. The school wants children to be equipped for the next stage of their development and so the school inspires everyone to learn, grow, enjoy and be happy.
You can check if there are any current vacancies at this school using our Primary School Vacancies List. School vacancy information is only relevant to applications made after the start of the school year (in-year applications).
The admission criteria listed below set out how the school will admit pupils. This includes the maximum number of students to be admitted for the relevant year group, the over subscription criteria and information on waiting lists. Please note that this school also has some specific admission criteria which require a supplementary information form to be completed.