Admissions arrangements

Admissions criteria by academic year

The admission arrangements for a school set out how a school will admit pupils. This includes the maximum number of students to be admitted for the relevant year group, the over subscription criteria and information on waiting lists.

The admissions arrangements for all schools must be determined 18 months in advance from September of the academic year to which they are relevant.


Anyone may raise an objection with the Schools Adjudicator to the published admission arrangements of any school or academy, or the local authority's schemes of coordination. Objections must be referred to the adjudicator by 15 May 2025.

Some schools in Hackney have specific admission criteria such as religious criteria. This requires a supplementary information form (SIF) to be completed.

The admissions arrangements and supplementary forms for individual primary and secondary schools in Hackney can be accessed below.


Admissions and Pupil Benefits Team

020 8820 7000
This page was last modified on: 14 Mar 2025