Baden Powell Primary School FAQs

Note: These FAQs are for informational purposes only. For the latest details about the project and next steps please read the full Cabinet report.

Why was Baden Powell Primary School proposed for merging with Nightingale?

Baden Powell school was selected for a proposed merger with Nightingale after applying the selection criteria, as one of the schools most affected by the falling rolls. 

In 2014 the school was full to capacity in every year group. By January 2023 there were 50% unfilled Reception places (15 places out of 30) and 23% unfilled places (48 places out of 210, or more than one class) across all year groups. This downward trend is forecast to continue. There were a total of 13 offers made on national offer day for children to join the school in September 2023.

* assumes 13 children join reception each year and that no children leave or join the school in other year groups. Based on reception to year 6 primary phase only.

Nightingale’s building has a net capacity of 420, out of which 53% is unused, as there are currently 198 pupils on roll. There is sufficient capacity on the Nightingale site to accommodate the children from Baden Powell.

Nightingale school was selected to host a merger because the school is in a new building which was built as a two-form entry, and currently operating as a one-form entry due to the low pupil numbers in the area. 

Would children be able to travel safely to go to Nightingale if Baden Powell closes?

The Council analysed the journeys that children currently at Baden Powell would likely take to travel to Nightingale, to assess the potential impact of the proposed merger. Overall, the impact appears to be very limited, as Nightingale is only a 2 minute walk away from Baden Powell. 

For those living south of Hackney Downs the journey will be shorter, and pupils can continue to travel through Hackney Downs to lower exposure to traffic on their journey to school.

Some of the local cut-throughs that connect Baden Powell to Nightingale would become increasingly important and utilised (from Charnock Road and Heyworth Road).

The Council will consider potential school focused improvements on frequently used local streets. 

Will the merged school be given a new name?

If the proposal to merge Baden Powell with Nightingale goes through, the merged school will maintain the name Nightingale at this stage in the process. After the merge is finalised, the governing body can decide if they would like to consider changing the name of the school.

Why can’t the children currently attending Baden Powell be left to finish their education and then move on to secondary school? 

This type of phased closure is not possible, because it would mean that the school would have to remain open for fewer pupils each year, while receiving less and less funding that wouldn’t cover its running costs. 

Will Nightingale accept the children from Baden Powell and make them feel welcome?

The Council will work closely with both schools to ensure that if the proposal goes through there is sufficient support to ensure a smooth transition for children from Baden Powell. All our schools have experienced staff that will support families and children all throughout the process, and make sure there is no negative impact on their wellbeing. 

We are sure that the Nightingale school community will be glad to welcome the children from Baden Powell, and make them feel at home. 

If the number of school aged children decreased since 2015, why was Nightingale built?

Nightingale was built because at that time more school places were needed in the borough, and the information used by the Greater London Authority to predict future trends at that time showed there would be more children.

It was not possible at that time to foresee some of the main issues that have caused the decrease in the number of school aged children (such as Brexit, the rise of the cost of living or Covid, which all contributed to more families moving outside of London). 

What if I don’t want to send my child to Nightingale?

Parents have the right to choose which school their child attends, and the ultimate decision belongs to them. 

In the case of a merger, all children will be offered a place in the merged school if that is what the families want. This means they can remain with their friends. The Council will support families who do not want their children to attend the merged school to explore other options. 

Where can I find more information about the project?

You can find the latest information in the latest Cabinet report. You can also access the initial information pack distributed to families in March 2023: Baden Powell Primary School information pack

This page was last modified on: 21 Sep 2024