Get help with paying for childcare

Sources of funding and entitlements to support parents looking for childcare

  • Check other help paying for childcare
    Visit Childcare Choices for all Money towards childcare schemes.
  • Check what help you can get with childcare costs
    View the GOV.UK childcare calculator to estimate how much you could get to help pay for approved childcare
  • Tax credits
    Child Tax Credits - many families can get tax credits. Make sure you claim. You don't need to be working to claim Child Tax Credit. Only one household can get Child Tax Credit for a child.
    Working Tax Credits - you may be able to claim an extra amount to help cover the costs of approved childcare. Make a Tax Credit enquiry
  • Universal Credit
    You may be able to claim up to 85% of your childcare costs if you’re eligible for Universal Credit, up to £646 per child per month and up to £1108 for 2 or more children per month
  • Tax Free Childcare
    Eligible working families will open an online childcare account from which their childcare costs will be paid. For every £8 paid in, the government will pay in £2. The scheme is for children up to the age of 12, and 17 for those who are disabled


Hackney Family Information Service (FIS)

020 8820 7000 option 6 or 020 8820 7590
This page was last modified on: 25 Jul 2024