Apply for a primary school place

This admissions process is for children aged 3 and 4 (born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021) who will start reception class at primary school in September 2025. All parents should apply by 15 January 2025, even if your child is already in the nursery class.

If you have moved to the area or wish to change primary schools (your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020) you can apply to change schools 'in-year' and be offered a place to start as quickly as possible. If you want your child to go to a different school, discuss any concerns with your current school. Changing schools can be very disruptive for children.

Primary school guide

Before you start you might find it useful to read through our primary school guide which contains all of the key information you need to make your application.

Online information session

View an online information session using your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. School admissions staff will host the briefings.

Children with Education, Health and Care Plans

There is a separate application process for children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan or are issued with a draft plan by 3 January 2025. You will get an application form to complete from the Education, Health and Care Planning (EHCP) team. You should use this form to list the schools you prefer for your child.

Delaying your child's start in reception

After a school place has been offered you can delay your child’s start in reception class or request they go part-time when they first start school by speaking to the headteacher of the school.

In limited circumstances you can request to defer your child’s admission to reception class for a full year until September 2026.

If you wish to defer your child’s start into the Reception class from 2025 until 2026, you must apply in the normal way for a Reception place in September 2025 (deadline 15 January 2025). In addition you must read the important information about deferring and submit a request for a deferral form. 


Admissions and Pupil Benefits Team

020 8820 7000
This page was last modified on: 3 Mar 2025