2½ - 5-years

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First point of contact

If you have concerns about your child’s weight the best person to talk to is your GP. Alternatively you could contact:

Best Start with HENRY service

Local services

School nursing service

If you have a child in reception class (ages 4 and 5) or year 6 (ages 10 and 11) you will receive a letter about their school height and weight check as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. Height and weight measurements will be carried out by fully trained NHS practitioners and will be carried out sensitively, with your child fully clothed.

When your child is in Reception class the school nursing service will usually carry out a ‘school entry health check’ this will include checking your child’s vision. Find information about the School Nursing Service

Free school meals

Parenting and mental health support

National resources

Preparing for school

Healthy Weight


We value your feedback about the birth to five resource and the information we provide.

This page was last modified on: 7 Jun 2024