Admissions consultation

Consultation on school admission arrangements for the school year beginning September 2025

When is the consultation?

The consultation opens on Monday 6 November and closes on Sunday 17 December 2023.

What is this consultation about?

We want to know what you think about the admission arrangements for schools in Hackney for the academic year starting in September 2025 and finishing in July 2026.

The proposed admission arrangements are available to read and download/print at the bottom of this page.

Who is involved in the consultation?

Hackney Education and any own admitting authority school must consult the following groups:

  • parents of children between the ages of 2 and 18
  • other persons in the area who have an interest in the proposed arrangements
  • all other admission authorities within the local area
  • the local authority (Hackney Education)
  • any adjoining neighbouring local authorities
  • any local faith organisation (if a faith school)

Hackney Education is the admission authority for all community schools in Hackney. For voluntary aided schools (schools with a religious character) the admission authority is the governing body. For academies and free schools the academy trust (proprietor) is the admission authority.

What are the changes?

Hackney Education is not proposing any changes to the admission arrangements for community schools for the 2025/26 academic year. The arrangements will remain the same as the 2024/25 academic year and will not be consulted on.

The community school admission arrangements for the 2025/26 academic year are included for information below. 

Hackney voluntary aided schools and academies (admitting authority school)

The following voluntary aided schools and academies are proposing changes to their admission arrangements for the 2025/26 academic year:

  • Cardinal Pole Catholic School
  • Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
  • Mossbourne Community Academy
  • Mossbourne Riverside Academy
  • St Mary's CofE Primary School
  • The City Academy, Hackney*
  • The Olive School, Hackney*
  • Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School

* The City Academy, Hackney and The Olive School, Hackney are running their own consultation. Please visit the school websites for further information.

How do I give my feedback?

To respond to Hackney Education’s consultation please submit your comments using our online feedback form.

Comments about voluntary aided schools, academies and free schools can also be sent directly to the schools concerned.

Other admissions consultations

We have also been notified that the following local authorities and schools are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2025/26:

What happens after consultation?

All schools and academies must consider any consultation comments, finalise and publish their admission arrangements for the 2025/26 academic year online by 15 March 2024.

The published 2025-26 arrangements for all Hackney schools and academies will be available in the online school directory and on individual school websites after 15 March 2024.

Hackney Education’s published schemes of coordination for Reception, Year 7 and In Year admissions for 2025-26 will also be available on the admission arrangements page after 15 March 2024.

You may raise an objection with the Schools Adjudicator to the published admission arrangements of any school or academy, or the local authority's schemes of coordination, if you feel that they do not comply with the Code, are unfair or unlawful. Objections must be referred to the adjudicator by 15 May 2024.


Stacey Harriott, Head of Admissions and Pupil Benefits

This page was last modified on: 23 Jun 2024