Making an appeal
If your child has not been offered a place at the school(s) you listed on your application form, you can appeal. You must complete a separate online appeal form for each school. When completing an online appeal form you must explain your reasons for your appeal and include any evidence or supporting information.
When can I appeal?
You can appeal at any time. However, for appeals relating to admission in September 2025 you must submit your appeal by Wednesday 2 April 2025 to ensure your appeal is heard before the summer holidays. If you appeal after Wednesday 2 April 2025 your appeal hearing may not take place until after school starts in September.
You can appeal only once for each academic year. If your appeal is unsuccessful you can only appeal again if there has been a significant change in your circumstances.
Appeal hearings
You will be invited to attend the hearing to explain why your child should be offered a place. An invitation letter giving you details about your hearing will be sent to you at least 10 school days before the hearing. Appeal hearings are organised and conducted by an independent organisation and are heard by a panel of trained volunteers who are independent of Hackney Education and Hackney schools and academies.
Any additional or supporting evidence must be available at least five school days before the hearing. Additional paperwork received on the day of the appeal hearing will not be taken into account.
Appeal decisions
You will be told the outcome of your appeal by letter usually sent within five school days after the last hearing for all the appeals held for that particular school but could be longer due to the high number of appeals during the summer.
The decision of the panel will be legally binding and if your appeal is successful your child will be given a place at the school. If your appeal is unsuccessful, your child will not be given a place but they will be allowed to remain on the school’s waiting list.
For advice about appealing a school admission decision:
- visit the GOV.UK website
- contact the Admissions Team on 020 8820 7000 (option 3)
Appeal forms and further guidance
The online appeal form for Hackney schools (excluding City of London Academy, Shoreditch Park) is below:
To appeal for City of London Academy, Shoreditch Park, please use the link below:
Read further guidance about how appeals are conducted and decisions are made.