Breakfast and afterschool clubs
Most primary schools operate an ‘extended day’. This means they offer care and education services for children from 8am - 6pm, either within the school or in partnership with other local organisations.
Before school
Breakfast clubs (sometimes known as Early Bird clubs) offer breakfast and play or leisure activities usually starting at 8am.
After school
Each school runs a range of activity clubs 1 day a week, for example sports, mathematics, drama, dance, usually until 4.30pm. These may vary over the course of the year. There are many free activities, some are charged. Ask your school office for more information.
Schools also offer play centres or childcare, where your child can play with friends and experience a range of fun activities until 6pm, supported by qualified and experienced playworkers. (Sometimes this is called an “afterschool club”, which is confusing as it is often the same name that it is used for the free one day a week clubs above). If the school links with a local organisation to provide this service, then staff will escort the children between the school and their centre.
Breakfast and afterschool clubs in Hackney
Most schools in Hackney offer breakfast and afterschool clubs or have arrangements in place with private providers. Please contact your child's school for details.
We will be publishing information on the services provided by private providers. This will be made available shortly.
Holiday playschemes
There are various holiday playschemes available during the school holidays, where you can send your child while you are at work. They are open to children aged from four to twelve years old, but may cater to older children.
Hackney Education runs a holiday playscheme. The next scheme is during the easter holidays. Find out more about the Hackney Education Holiday Scheme.
The Holiday Activities and Food Programme offers a variety of opportunities during the holidays.
You can also view information about other playschemes in Hackney:
Choosing a safe setting for your child
Many parents use extra-curricular clubs, tuition centres and other out-of-school settings to support their child’s development and will want to ensure that they are able to attend these settings safely.
The DfE has published new guidance for parents and carers to help them choose a safe setting for their child. It provides suggested questions for parents and carers to ask providers on child protection and health and safety, as well as positive signs and red flags to look out for when visiting a setting. The guidance aims to reduce the number of children who attend settings where they are at risk by equipping parents to take a proactive approach in choosing settings with good safeguarding practices in place.
View the DfE guidance:
If you have a concern about the safety of your child at an out-of-school setting then a member of the Hackney Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) will be happy to discuss your concerns with you. Call 020 8356 5500 Monday to Friday (9am-5pm) or 020 8356 2710 outside of these hours.
Things to do
We have lots of free and cheap activities for your children to do during the holidays. There is free swimming for children at Hackney pools (not the Lido) and parks, libraries and museums all have free activities during the holidays. Children can also visit their local adventure playground.
- Visit the Young Hackney website to find out more
Adventure playgrounds
An adventure playground is a space dedicated to children’s play. Skilled Playworkers are on hand to encourage and make possible access to the widest range of play opportunities and experiences; from swinging, climbing and digging to building dens, cooking and painting.
The adventure playgrounds are free to enter and children can come and go as they choose. They are usually open after school, on Saturdays and in the holidays, and accept children aged from 6 to 15 years.
List of Adventure Playgrounds
- Evergreen Adventure Playground
Beehive Close, Off Richmond Road E8 3JT
020 7275 9004 or - Hackney Marsh Adventure Playground
Daubeney Fields (off Kingsmead Way), E9 5PP
020 8986 7245 or
Children aged under the age of 6 supervised by an accompanying adult at all time are welcome as guests between 10am - 3pm only - Homerton Grove Adventure Playground
Wardle Street E9 5QG
020 8985 9202 or - KIDS Adventure Playground Hackney
Spring Lane, Big Hill, Clapton E5 9HQ
(Referrals are needed from the Social Care Team - Integrated Services for Children with Disabilities)
020 8806 6149 - Pearson Street Adventure Playground
Pearson Street, E2 8EL - Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground
Shakespeare Walk, N16 8TL
020 7249 8405 or - Shoreditch Adventure Playground
Mintern Street N1 5EF
020 7729 3770 or
Family Information Service
The Hackney Family Information Service (FIS) offers free, impartial advice and information on childcare, paying for childcare, funded places for 2-4 year olds as well as information and advice on local services and activities for children and families.
- Telephone 020 8820 7590, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- email
- Visit the FIS Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages
- View the FIS leaflet (PDF)
- Make an appointment to meet us in person
Other help and support
Hackney Local offer: Hackney's Local Offer website sets out information about services and support available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) who are aged 0 to 25. It also offers more general information on childcare and family support.
- Go to the Local Offer website
Related documents and links
Hackney Find Support Services Map
This map displays voluntary and community organisations offering help to Hackney’s diverse community
NHS Choices
NHS Choices provides a comprehensive health information service with thousands of articles, videos and tools, helping you to make the best choices about your health and lifestyle
Family Lives
Family Lives is a national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life
Summer home learning ideas
Summer is here! is a home learning pack for primary school age children to try new and exciting learning experiences over the summer