How it works
Your child can get help with tube and/or train fares if they live in Hackney.
- Children will get a travel card each term
- We will pay for the cheapest form of transport from home to school
- You must live in Hackney to apply
- If you have been income assessed you must re-apply every year to check that you still qualify
- You can appeal if you are refused help with travel costs
Children may be entitled to free transport if:
- they have special educational needs, disability or mobility problems with no school place near their home;
- they cannot walk to school, even though it is within the normal walking distance of two miles (if aged 5 -7) or three miles (if aged 8 or over);
- they cannot reasonably be expected to walk a particular route (for example through a park, cemetery or along a towpath) even though the school is within the normal walking distances;
- they have special educational needs and attend a school where there are no arrangements for boarding at or near the school; or
- their religion or belief means that the nearest suitable school is outside the distances.
Income assessed parents
Children may also be able to get free transport where they are either eligible for Free School Meals or have parents in receipt of their maximum level of Working Tax Credit, there are not three or more suitable nearer school places, and the school place is 2-6 miles from home.
Secondary school children attending a school on grounds of religion or belief may be able to get free transport where the school is more than two miles and less than 15 miles from home, and there is no suitable alternative school nearer home.
Disabled parents
We may provide free travel to school for primary school children if their parent has a disability that prevents them from taking them to school.
How to apply
Related documents and links
Information about SEND transport support
Information about transport services available to some children who have SEND, and how to apply
Pupil Benefits Policies 2024-25 (PDF, 306KB)
Hackney Education policies relating to clothing grants, free school meals and travel
Travel Assistance Application Guidance (PDF, 265KB)
A guide to applying for Home to School or Post 16 Travel Assistance for children and young people including those with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)
Apply for travel assistance
Home to school or college travel assistance for young people 16-19 years and continuing students 19-25 years with an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Find out about free transport to school on the GOV.UK website