There are various services available to help you maintain the physical and mental wellbeing of you and your family.
Vaccinations for babies and children
Getting vaccinated is a normal part of growing up in the UK. It is one of many things people do to protect their children from serious diseases like meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella.
The decision to vaccinate your children is yours and it’s natural to have questions about whether it is the right thing for you and your family.
Find all the information you need about the vaccines your child can get at every stage of their life, why they are important, and the vaccines you can have while you are pregnant.
Oral health
To ensure your child has a healthy mouth, teeth and gums, it is important to build a healthy oral health routine by ensuring they brush their teeth twice a day and get yearly check ups.
You can get advice on oral health or collect oral health kits from your local Children and Family Hub.
Weight management
- City & Hackney Specialist Adult Weight Management Service
- Healthier Together Hackney
- Hackney Healthy Eating and Obesity Service
Substance misuse support
There are specialist medical professionals and recovery workers who can help you get control of your drinking or substance use.
- City and Hackney Recovery Service
- Help with quitting smoking while pregnant (Stop Smoking London)
Mental health
You can access support for common problems with your child or young person’s emotional wellbeing, relationships and behaviour.
Healthcare referral pathways
These pathways have been developed to help both professionals and individuals better understand the range of universal, targeted and specialist services and support available for parents and carers facing challenges with mental health, parent-infant relationships, infant feeding, and early language and home learning.
All pathways are here for guidance and are not intended to replace the clinical judgement of experienced healthcare professionals.
- Referral pathway for Infant Feeding
The World Health Organisation and UNICEF recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months and beyond, however this infant feeding pathway refers parents/carers to services whether they are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. - Referral pathway for Parent Infant Relationships
Parent-Infant Relationship (PIR) services focus on strengthening the bond and improving the quality of the relationship between caregivers and their infants. - Referral pathway for Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) addresses the mental health challenges faced by parents and caregivers during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum. - Referral pathway for Early Language and Home Learning
Having strong communication skills is vital for educational achievements, forming social
relationships, wellbeing and mental health, and future employment opportunities. Children may benefit from different levels of support at different times in their early years.